January 1:
15th Annual Polar Bear Plunge | parkways.seattle.gov
January 1:
Resolution Run 5K & Polar Bear Dive | promotionevents.com
January 1:
Tacoma Polar Bear Plunge | metroparkstacoma.org
January 1-15:
Bellevue Magic Season Ice Arena | bellevuedowntown.com
January 5-7:
Northwest Remodeling Expo | homeshowcenter.com
January 5-7:
Puyallup Home & Garden Show | puyalluphomeshow.net
January 6:
Worst Day of the Year Run 5K | worstdayrun.com
January 11-14:
Nordic Lights Film Festival | nordicmuseum.org
January 12-14:
Monster Jam | monsterjam.com
January 12-14:
Rustycon 35 | rustycon.com
January 13:
Issaquah 2nd Saturday Film | downtownissaquah.com
January 13:
Xtreme International Ice Racing | xfinityarenaeverett.com
January 13-14:
Seattle Wedding Show | weddingshow.com
January 15:
MLK Day Parades | mlkseattle.org cityoftacoma.org
January 24-28:
Washington Sportsmen’s Show | thesportshows.com
January 25 – February 10:
Children’s Film Festival | childrensfilmfestivalseattle.org
January 26 – February 3:
Seattle Boat Show | seattleboatshow.com
January 27:
GroundFrog Day Celebration | snohomishcoc.com
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