8408 Skagitwilde Lane
Concrete, WA 98237
3 BR / 1.75 BA
2,078 SF / 36,155 SF Lot
OFFERED AT: $405,000
MLS# 1169777
DOWNLOAD: The Legacy Homes Report describes this unique category of real estate and compares the San Juan Islands to New York’s Long Island while profiling several significant properties for sale.
The opportunity to explore these homes firsthand was seized during a recent Legacy Home Tour hosted by RSIR and Wally Gudgell, an Orcas Island resident and real estate broker with Windermere Real Estate. From October 5 – 9th, dozens of brokers and prospective buyers arrived by land, sea and air to visit Legacy Homes ranging in value from below $2 million to $17 million. The lifestyle showcase included harbor-to-harbor seaplane transfer by Kenmore Air, accommodations by Rosario Resort and wine tastings by DeLille Cellars.